Happy Easter from GentleHAnds
This year we have plenty of egg-citing family-friendly spring and Easter themed activities & events. Including Easter Egg Hunts, Sensory Bins, Easter Baskets designed specifically for babies & toddlers. Check out all of the different ways you can enjoy spring and Easter with GentleHands below:
Easter Egg-Stravaganza: Egg Hunt
We again have our special GentleHands Easter egg hunt with our good friend the Easter Bunny! The event will include open play, craft, and photo & play opportunities with the Easter Bunny. Unlike any other egg hunt as the kids get to not only get photos with the Easter Bunny, but also playtime!
Egg my Lawn & Egg It Yourself
Give the wonderful experience of an Easter Egg Hunt @Home without any of the time consuming setup. We personally fill all of the eggs with select toys and treats, place the eggs in fun, but accessible locations and we even deliver a fun sign so your little one knows the Easter Bunny has stopped by. Its a wonderful experience, if you want to stay home and have fun, or a fun surprise to return home with an already Egged Lawn. Egging will occur The Saturday evening before Easter and Easter morning depending on address.
Oh Baby It’s Easter!
Enjoy adorable photos with the Easter Bunny! This baby only event is for children 18 months and younger to see the Easter Bunny, take photos, play with other babies, and enjoy age appropriate Easter sensory play.
Easter Bunny Meet & PLay
Already have an Egg hunt planned, but still looking for a chance for some Easter Bunny photos? We have eggs-actly what you’re looking for! This special limited play session will have the Easter Bunny available for quick photos and once the photos are completed you can play for the rest of the time. Our relaxed child friendly play space is the perfect way to see the Easter Bunny without waiting in long lines in over stimulating crowds. A great option for babies or young children!
Unique Easter Baskets for babies & Toddlers
We have special Easter basket options designed especially for your little one.